I've often been told that in situations of strife and confrontation that the
preferable behavior is that of discipline and peaceful resolution. I've had it
beaten into me that it is proper to turn the other cheek and avoid antagonizing
the young man that wants to pee in your yard. That when you've been accused by
several apes in a late-model GM automobile of being a male prostitute while
waiting for a bus, you must avoid eye-contact. A combination of karmic belief,
an early indoctrination by the catholic church, a developmental lifetime spent
in public schools, and several random acts of violence have only increased the
percieved need to hide and cringe from all that is loud and brash and ugly in my
life. Unquestioning pavlovian flinching gets sickening after a few years.
Perhaps it is my destiny as an american, we have a whole amendment just for
people about to snap, I believe it's number 2. Perhaps it's time to mobilize.
It's just too hard to motivate myself. I'm over 16, way over, and I have never
been to Vietnam, I just can't quite build up the pressure needed. If only
Hitler had masturbated as much as I do...